Saturday, September 14, 2013

Elder Cook: August Update

Aug 5
Me and my companion are getting along great and we are going to play volleyball after this so that will be fun! But just some of the highlights of this week were that one of our investigators named Jamie who I committed to be baptized my first week out is responding very well! He is set to be baptized on August 31 and his only problem now is that he has to quit drinking and he is making a lot of progress!! He has to quit drinking completely by this next Sunday or he can't be baptized on the 31st, but we think he can do it! His wife is helping him, she was baptized like 4 months ago! But yeah he is doing great and he has changed a lot! It is really cool to see! Also another really cool thing is that I get to baptize a 9 year old girl this Saturday! There is this member who has been less active for awhile and we have been teaching his granddaughters the lessons because, Chomoria who is the 9 year old that I am baptizing, has to have the lessons because she is 9 and is technically considered an investigator. But the other granddaughter is 8 and she just sits a long and listens to the lessons too, and Elder Young is baptizing her! But the grandpa is starting to really get back into the church because of this and he bore his testimony yesterday during church and it was sweet to see. But it was a weird situation because the grandpa and grandma adopted the two girls because their mom couldn't take care of them! But those were the main things that happened this week! Oh and also the members put our bikes on top of the church building! I will send the picture! But yeah this last week was a good one and I look forward to hearing from all of you!
Elder Cook

Aug 12
So this last week was an awesome week! It started out kind of slow but it turned out to be a great one! So we had zone training and President and Sister Batt came and taught us and it was a really good lesson and I learned a lot. And also we had our Zone leaders teach us too, and they are the only ones in our zone that I think have been out past a year. So there are a lot of relatively new missionaries! But it was way good. One thing that we learned is that if an appointment falls through then we are supposed to be in that area for a reason. So a really cool experience happened. Right after zone training, our appointment fell through and so we were looking for somewhere we had to be. We went tracting and knocked on a door and a lady answered and told us to come back in 15 minutes. She didn't seem too interested at the time but we came back in 15 minutes and knocked on the door again and she asked if we had a book to read and me and my companion kind of looked at each other and we were like yeah we have a great book for you to read!! so we gave her a Book of Mormon and she said that she was going through some hard times and that she was trying to get a bible from a friend but it never worked out and she said she prayed and was asking for guidance and then we showed up! It was sweet! Zone training really helped us on that one! We had some more good and some bad experiences the rest of the week but that one was way cool so I thought I would share it. But one other cool thing, we were able to go to the championship Connie Mack world series here in Farmington on Friday. One of the Members wanted to take us out to dinner at the Connie Mack game and we asked President Batt and he said that was fine since it only comes around once a year! So that was sweet. By the way, the Connie Mack World series is a baseball tournament with a bunch of 17 and 18 year old kids playing baseball and it is like the big leagues for them. There are scouts there and it is a pretty big deal apparently in the baseball world. But last thing to share for this week is that we had the baptism on Saturday and it was great!! It was a good experience! I got to baptize a 9 year old named Chomoria and her sister was baptized by Elder Young! Ha I was the first one and I was kind of nervous because I didn't know what I was doing really. Ha but the fan was on when I was saying the words so no one could hear me really and I didn't know how to turn it off. Ha but it was all good.
Elder Cook

Aug 19
This week was a great one! It started out slow and we only had a couple of lessons, but we ended up with 18 lessons which is really good for us! We usually only have like 12ish. But something cool that happened is that we contacted a person tracting and I think I included her name in the last email. But her name is Diane and we gave her a Book of Mormon when we first met her, then didnt here from her for like a week and we thought she didn't want to see us but she randomly texted us saturday night and said sorry she was busy and got a new phone number so thats why we couldnt contact her. But she texted us and said don't give up on her and said she has been reading the Book Of Mormon and is loving It! Which is really cool becasue we didn't think she even wanted to see us but she did and she said the Book Of Mormon is making her feel better and she is seeing the change in her life! It is sweet! And also about Jamie who is the person that I commited to baptism my first week, he is committed to the 31st of August but he can't stop drinking so we may have to push it back a week! But we will see, he had to stop by yesterday and we know he didnt drink yesterday but we don't know about today. We are going to check up on him later tonight! Ha and also it is really cool because our district is pretty close so we go and get shakes at Sonic every week and we also play monopoly on numbers night while our district leader is reporting numbers! Ha its way fun! Also I am going to send a picture, one of our members got an OLI!!!!!!!!! Haha but yeah I'll add more next week! Love you all!
Elder Cook

Aug 26
A couple unlucky things happened here but it actually may turn out for the best. We will find out later. We found out that Jamie who was one of our investigators that I committed to baptism the first week I was here is in jail now. He was on probation and he missed his appointment. But this may turn out to be good because he can't drink in jail so it may give him the head start he needs to get off drinking. But we will see what goes on. I will let you know next week! We had a really awesome Zone Conference this last Saturday. We had Elder Paul B. Piper of the 70 come and give us some training. We had to be there at 8:30 in the morning and we got done at 4 in the afternoon so it was really long and there was a lot to take in. I took a ton of notes and I realized there is so much that I still have to learn and not enough time to study in the morning! I wish I had like 5 hours of study in the morning! But everything is great, we got 5 new investigators this last week and 6 the week before that so we have a lot of contacting to do! Its way fun riding bikes! Yesterday there was a huge rain storm and it was raining so hard. If you were to stand in the rain for like 10 seconds you would be drenched! Ha it was great! That is the best part about riding bikes, is riding in the rain! Also for dinner every day we have members feed us and since I have celiac disease, people ask what is something I can eat and I just say like meat and simple stuff like that. We have had ribs 4 times and steaks 3 times and a ton of chicken in the past couple weeks! People here make really good ribs! Also we had a member give us a necklace and a bracelet made out of turquoise the other day and they are really cool! Turquoise is like the main stone down here. You see all of the natives wearing turquoise jewelry and it looks really nice! But yeah that was my week so far!
Elder Cook

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